• Question: is it possible for a human to fly

    Asked by bertieh to Jen, Stef on 22 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Stefan Piatek

      Stefan Piatek answered on 22 Mar 2013:

      Hmm leonardo da vinci was the first to give flying machines a thought but I think at the moment the most we can do is glide. There are little jetpack type of things but I don’t think that they actually work unless you’re in a film!

      Afraid not, but there’s not too much of a reason why we couldn’t do it at some point.

    • Photo: Jennifer Paxton

      Jennifer Paxton answered on 22 Mar 2013:

      yeah, in an aeroplane, helicopter….. ok, ok sorry – bad joke! 😀

      Well we’re not built for flying – we have no wings! But maybe in the future there will be a way for us to do it! That would be cool!
