• Question: who thought of science and why

    Asked by willaminaw to Jen, Jill, Mel, Phil, Stef on 18 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Jill Magee

      Jill Magee answered on 18 Mar 2013:

      Well I think its hard to pick a certain person that discovered science. The actual word science was first used by a man called William Vevels but it is believed people were studying science in prehistoric times – they just didn’t have a name for it!

      I guess people just wanted to know how the world worked, from the largest things like outer space, down to the smallest possible things such as cells in our body.

    • Photo: Phil Rice

      Phil Rice answered on 19 Mar 2013:

      It was the ancients really (the Greeks, e.g. Eratosthenes, Anaxiamander, Archimedes, Democritus etc) but science really got going with Galileo, Newton, Hooke etc. I would go and buy COSMOS by Carl Sagan, or read Patricia Fara’s book on Science a thousand year history. Sagan’s epid 13 part series is just that – epic!

    • Photo: Stefan Piatek

      Stefan Piatek answered on 19 Mar 2013:

      I guess the basic reason why science was formed is that people wanted to know why things happen and how everything works.

    • Photo: Melissa Brereton

      Melissa Brereton answered on 19 Mar 2013:

      I’m not sure who thought of science- everyone always asks questions and wants to find out why things happen. Science is probably a latin name but we always think of Albert Einstein of Issac Newton as some of the oldest scientists!

    • Photo: Jennifer Paxton

      Jennifer Paxton answered on 20 Mar 2013:

      I think people were just curious about how things work and in time this was called “science”. I dont think anyone will ever really know who the first scientist was!
