• Question: how does pollution effect us and our bodies?

    Asked by martha to Jen, Jill, Mel, Phil, Stef on 17 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Stefan Piatek

      Stefan Piatek answered on 17 Mar 2013:

      Whilst I mentioned about pollution in your other post I may as well answer it here too. To add on what I said before, it depends on what kind of pollution you are talking about to, some pollution can cause cancer or make you infertile whereas other might almost do nothing to humans.

      In case anyone else is reading this here’s what I said before. In my centre, people work on diesel fumes and cigarette smoke, both of these have an incredible number of nasties in them that make it hard for you to breathe, but they also make your fighter cells different. Turns out they change the way they react, meaning that you generally can’t fight off viruses or bacteria as well, but have more of a chance of allergy or asthma.

      Was there any particular type of pollution you were thinking about?
