• Question: if you did smoke and you have stopped now, is it scary knowing what you have done to your lungs after you have done so much reserch on keeping healthy

    Asked by ludo4444 to Jen, Jill, Mel, Phil, Stef on 14 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Melissa Brereton

      Melissa Brereton answered on 14 Mar 2013:

      I have never smoked so I can’t really answer the question properly. All I know is that our lungs are very resilient to smoking damage. They can repair themselves if the damage caused by the smoking isn’t too bad and you haven’t smoked for too long. I remember reading a fact somewhere that it takes the same length of time for your lungs to repair as the duration you have smoked.

    • Photo: Stefan Piatek

      Stefan Piatek answered on 16 Mar 2013:

      I’ve only smoked a couple of times so I think I’m fine, but things like the pictures of lungs from smokers are pretty gross right?
