• Question: what should you eat if you want to grow to be big and tall?

    Asked by blondmoment to Jen, Stef on 22 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Stefan Piatek

      Stefan Piatek answered on 22 Mar 2013:

      Hmm good question. Most of height is genetic, so if you’re parents are tall, you’re more likely to be tall!

      We have gotten taller since we’ve had enough food though! I guess the very simple answer is just make sure you eat enough calories in general.

      Then of course there are steroids and other drugs that some people (sometimes body builders, sometimes athletes) take which do make you grow more muscle, but they often have quite serious side effects and dangerous.

      Hope that helps answer your question. Let me know if you have any more questions.

    • Photo: Jennifer Paxton

      Jennifer Paxton answered on 22 Mar 2013:

      Unfortunately how tall you will be is pretty much decided at the moment you are created since you get that kind of genetic info from your mum and your dad. Like Stefan said, if your parents are tall you will probably be tall too.

      Some people say that what you eat can influence how tall you actually become – so if you are destined to be 5foot9, then if you eat well, with lots of protein you will reach that height, but it is unlikely that you would get taller than your genetics have been programmed to be.

      On the other hand…. if you dont eat well and dont have lots of protein and vitamins to help bones grow (and you smoke or drink) you are likely to damage the proteins that make up your bones and muscles and you may not reach the height you are meant to be!

      Does that make sense?!
